Thursday, October 21, 2010

More about hair

On Monday I finally went off and got a hair cut. It took about 7 calls to different hairdressers, before I found one that could do it that afternoon. I walked into the salon, told her what was going on, and added that a "number 6" (shave) would be just fine. She glanced at me, and responded "do you mind if I give you a style cut?" So here I am, with my pretty short, style cut.  (Apologies for poor photo quality - taken by five year old, with phone camera.)

Since then, the "one by one hair fallout" has changed to a "mass exodus". Hair is everywhere, albeit short. Mainly it sits on my shoulders, tickles my neck, and makes me feel like I've never really left the hairdresser. Gets all over the computer keyboard too. Arghhh! And screen!!! I'm over it. A number 1 (shave) is starting to look really really attractive.

I would just like to add that we are a "no hair" family. That doesn't mean that we don't have any hair. On the contrary, plenty of that around, even if not on the head. What I do mean, is that when you see a hair, you pick it up and put it in the bin, so there is "no hair". So now you can better understand why the "mass exodus" on my head is driving me bananas!

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