Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saved by my Mother's chicken soup

So, Taxotere is still here. And to be very honest, I am off my food. I am never off my food. Even now, it doesn't look like I am off my food. But I am actually off my food. I am not really eating enough of the right stuff.

The hardest moment is an hour or two before dinner. The time when you should be starting to prepare dinner. Well, by then my energy is the lowest. But, I do have a secret weapon. I dig out a jar of my Mother's chicken soup and heat it up, add some pasta and devour. It saves me. I feel better for long enough, to put dinner on the boil.

(If you're thinking where is the husband that should be preparing dinner? Then it's like this. The amount of energy required to get hold of husband, who is wondering around outside, and then explain to him how to put dinner on in such a manner that doesn't offend him, is greater than putting dinner on. An IT background is really good when it comes to computers, doesn't seem to work as well on humans.)

But, back to the chicken soup. It also warms up the stomach and gets those digestive juices going, that by dinner time I actually feel like eating. And when I eat, it doesn't totally knock me out.

It doesn't just end with the chicken soup. My Mum has equipped me with barley soup, cooked beetroot, cooked cabbage and sour cabbage - they save me at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Thanks Mum!

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