Wednesday, November 24, 2010


When you receive chemotherapy there is a high chance that it will leave you infretile.

Yes, no more babies, early menopause, risk of early osteoporosis. Not desirable. At my age, the risk is about 40%. High.

In a bid to reduce this risk the doctors try to shut down my ovaries during chemo. So they put me into a temporary menopause. They do this with a drug called Zoladex. In my case, it reduces the risk down to about 15%.

Zoladex comes in the form of an implant, administered by siringe into a fatty area of the body such as the stomach or the thigh. The treatment is repeated every 28 days for the duration of the chemo.

And I just wanted to say this ... that siringe is huge! I've only seen it once, but I swear that it's at least 3 to 4mm in diameter. That's why I've only seen it once. Once was enough. When you see that siringe, you just want to drop everything, and run in the opposite direction. It's mean. It's serious.

Out of all the things I have to do during chemo, getting the Zoladex is the most scary. It's short, but on the scariness scale, it rates.

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