Monday, September 20, 2010

The Soup

Inspired by the leek in my veggie delivery, I gaze into the cookbook. There it is - leek and potato soup. I am secretly hoping that this is something my family won't like, and I will have oodles of helpings all to myself.

I carefully cook up my inspiration, and call up the troops for lunch. I smile. "Who would like some leek and potato soup?" All hands go up. Hmmm, this wasn't part of the plan.

The soup is devoured, and I ask (foolishly) if anyone is up for seconds. All hands go up again. This is out of control! My husband hates soups, and my daughter dislikes potatoes. What's going on?

By the end of lunch a mere cupful or two of the soup remain. The troops are licking their lips and patting their tummies with satisfaction.

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