Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Snake

Quite a collection of toys have now made it the hay house. Kettle, fry pan, dog bowl. I even spot my cup and spoon in there. The toys are spread throughout the little home, and as we leave for the day I am acutely aware that hay is really good at burying stuff. "We need to put all the toys away" I insist. "Mama, but why?". "Well, if we don't put the toys away, then snake will come and get them". The hay flies as the toys are quickly put into a box. "Gee I'm smart", I think to myself.

Fast forward to 2:20am. Yes, I'm asleep, but I get woken up by a little wimpering voice. I race to Sabina's room, cuddle her and ask her what happened. "Ba" she says (Ba is her toy sheep). "What happened to Ba?" I ask. "Snake" says the little fragile voice. I shake my head, gee I'm smart.

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