Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Hair

My hair has started to fall out. Not in clumps, or batches. More like one by one.

One on my left sleeve, one on my right sleeve, one on my shoulder, one on my pocket, one on the bottom of my jacket. I think you get the picture.

I must say - textbook timing.

It's not sad, it's not distressing, it's just plain old annoying!

Since I have been threatening to shave my hair off for years, the concept of having to now cut it really short doesn't phase me at all. In fact, I am looking forward to it. Anything to make the "one by one" exodus less annoying.


Ellen said...

er... sounds like a normal day to me! Not meaning to diminish the trauma or anything...

light.fingers said...

You're absolutely right. Very similar to "day to day". Except that when I find the hairs I collect them and put them in the bin. Then five minutes later, they are all back again. That's the unusual part ... at least for me.