read instruction manual.
We have finally bought a generator. Because out here, on the perimeter, when you lose power you lose the water pump, the lights, the stove, the ability to open garage doors. It's like going back in time a 100 years.
And, out here on the perimeter, you lose power pretty often. Once a week on average.
And, sometimes, when you do lose power, you better be the one to call the power company. Because it may turn out that the problem is your very own power pole in your own back paddock, and no one else but you and your two best buddy neighbours are experiencing a black out. And your best buddy neighbours have a generator, or three, so they don't care!
So we've bought one.
And tonight, husband is sitting and carefully reading the instruction manual.
In the Cross Country start box - "Good Luck"
8 years ago
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