Friday, March 11, 2011

Creatures of the night

We're off on our annual family holiday to Merimbula.  We have chosen to drive up tonight, rather than during the day.  It's a bit of a trade-off.  Sure, at night you have to keep vividly awake at a time when you would normally be asleep, but during the day?  During the day you have to cope with endless caravan of grey nomads, boat enthusiasts and holiday makers, who all seem to be on a sightseeing tour rather than focussing on getting to their destination.

So we drive when no one else dares.  Well, that's not entirely true.  The boat ensemble seems to be out in full force.  The bigger the better.  We marvel at their size as we pass them one by one.  And in the end we all rock up at the same petrol station in Bairnsdale anyway.  Although I must admit that with our rooftop load of two kayaks and two bikes we are somewhat cautious.

In Bairnsdale we change driver, and hit the forests.  The road winds, the fog descends.  We wind with the road, left then right.  Sometimes we slam on the brakes as the fog is too thick to make out which way the road will turn.  Then we turn and keep going.  No crowds, just the road and us.  No limits.

A smigin after 3am we arrive at our destination, greeted by three roos on each front lawn.  We unpack the essentials and hit the pillow.

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