Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day guests

Guests arrive. Namely, my parents and their friends. My mum brings more pots than burners on a stove, and very soon the entire kitchen is bubbling, while mum is chopping a salad. Sheesh!

We sit down to a very festive lunch. Mum's turkey, naturally, is perfect. I catch up on that half baked advice, and get my 1000 questions answered.

Sabina participates in the conversation as though there was no age difference. Once finished, she dances around in her princess dress and tiara.

After lunch we go for a walk in the state forest. I manage to convince the guests that we can do a little loop. So off we go. Commenting on the long grass (yet to be cut hay) in the paddocks as we walk along Carol road. Admiring the tall pines lining Invert track. Revelling in the stillness and serenity of the valley. Then huffing and puffing up PP2 track.

Upon our return the guests groan as we offer dessert. We finish off by singing Christmas carols in the evening.

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