Every morning that I get into work, I put my things down at my desk, and promptly head back out again, downstairs, to get a coffee. The barrista sees me from a distance, and by the time I get to the counter, my coffee is work in progress.
You see, the barrista doesn't know my name, but he knows that I have the same coffee every day ... as do most of his patrons. So, when he spots me on the horizon he thinks "Ah, here comes 'small cappuccino'".
And, that short, dark skinned man over there - well he is a "tall latte". The blonde haired tall bloke - "small machiato". The two giggling ladies - "regular extra strong cappucino" and "regular latte".
Having said all that, I have recently changed work locations. With that comes a new coffee shop and a new barrista. The coffee is as good as ever, but this barrista insists on being on first name basis with all her regular customers. Mind you, she still knows what your regular choice of coffee is.
In the Cross Country start box - "Good Luck"
8 years ago