So, yesterday I picked up the new float. Now, horse floats are used for transporting horses. About 50% of the time. They are also very useful for moving furniture, taking rubbish to the tip, and doing other runs that are part of every day living.
Everyone has their own idea about christening the new float.
Firstly, it gets a name "The Flummery". Then, I barely bring it home, and Pete insists on christening it by taking some kitchen cupboards up to the farm.
In the morning, at first light, I christen the float my way - I take Crownie to pony club for some cross country training. Crownie, of course, christens the float her own way.
Then I barely return from pony club, when Pete insists we use the float to pick up the trees we bought last weekend.
On the return trip, we decide to test the user experience. I jump in the float, and have a ride.
By the time we've had the float for 24 hours, it's well and truly christened.
And I haven't even mentioned the wombat. Oooops. I think I just did.
In the Cross Country start box - "Good Luck"
8 years ago